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Laying the Foundations of Successful Wellbeing

Updated: Oct 3, 2020

We all know that when you get busy, the first things that go by the wayside are the aspects of our lives that help keep things balanced. As our workload increases, and the demands upon our shoulders increase, we begin to prune away at the things we think are ‘unessential’.We begin to work later into the night and eat away at our sleep. We look for the extra time needed by drawing away from the activities that help generate our energy and keep us happy. Subconsciously, we are telling ourselves that we don’t really need access to these things, and that they are ‘wants’, not ‘needs’.

We also know from previous experience, that initially, taking time from these foundational aspects of our lives has minimal effect. So we continue to draw from these resources. Inevitably, as this period of time comes to a close we are at best overwhelmed, and at worst, burnt out.

Instead of removing these parts of our daily routine during a period of increased stress, we should have been leaning into them to get us through this more demanding period. By their very design, they help create balance. During a busy and stressful period we need more of these foundational aspects to counteract the increased demands we are contending with, not less.

Why do we fuel such periods of time from our personal resources, when we know this has never worked successfully in the past? Through ongoing conversations I’ve had with friends, colleagues and clients in the past, I’m going to say that this is because our subconscious has filed sleep, exercise, organising the healthy meal, meditation etc as luxuries, when they are in fact all essential for our biological functioning. I’ll say it again...and all the more essential when we are asking our body to do more than they usually do!

It is at this point that I fill the role of the caring friend and I tell you, that you need to stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself. You need to develop a routine that complements your needs, your context, and your reality. Then you need to protect it.

When you don’t take care of yourself, you are more likely to present in a manner that is incongruent with who you would like to be as a person, and as a result, it is likely that you will end up feeling guilty for the results that come of that.

So let’s get on top of this.

Let’s sort out what this routine should look like

Let's be strategic.

Let's avoid the things that are our undoing.

Let’s be aware of the true cost of not looking after yourself.

Let’s sort out what your foundation should look like.

We understand that foundations are the basis upon which all other things grow. If we want to protect our wellbeing, it stands to reason that we need to develop a clear awareness of our personal foundations. Then we need to acknowledge and be honest with ourselves that our self- discipline alone across the course of a day is not going to be enough. You need to establish routines, identify the people that can help you grow and the tools you’ll need to do so. Pull out your journal, give yourself 30 minutes to begin shaping daily routines that will fill your cup.

If you’d like the assistance of a proforma to help you break down categories, click on this link.


Step One: List the things that fill your cup, and those that empty it. Be clear about what energises you and what drains you.

Step Two: Organise these things into the following categories. Sleep, Meditation, Diet Exercise, Connection (Relationships), Relaxation.

Step Three: Where you have a gap, fill it.

Step Four: Begin to work these things into a daily routine. Spoiler alert...this may mean that you need to wake up earlier in the someone who used to love their sleep but joined the 5AM club years ago and has never looked back, it might be worth considering for at least a month as a trial. You can thank me later.

Be sure to share your successes with me on my Instagram handle @taking_charge_ed_consult

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